Hi, my name is Ellz and I’m the creator of the online persona and brand, Hellzellz. About a year ago I was really struggling with my mental health which lead me to be unemployed and unmotivated, id always been a creative person but the drive to be creative was little to non. Then a friend of mine got into streaming on Twitch, something I had tried once before but gave up on due to lack of motivation, but seeing my friend pick it up I decided to give it another go.
A year on and I’m now a Twitch affiliate and have been able to make a small amount of revenue from streaming and get my creative spark back! Now, as well as being a part time streamer I’m also a freelance artist and photographer in my spare time and I’m really enjoying having my motivation and creative spark back
I truly owe all this to my wonderful friends but especially to my friend who started streaming, Rob. You can find him on Twitch by clicking HERE.

Hellzellz as persona is a little red devil frog who is the keeper of the underworld for little critters. unlike the underworld some may know, little critter underworld is very cosy and friendly and all the critters are well looked after. Hellzellz as well as being the keeper of this realm is also the live entertainer to make sure the little critters don’t get bored!
I use this character in my Twitch streams and i always stress that my platform is safe for all who may join our community and inclusive. I want Hellzellz to feel like friend and feel familiar. I also make sure to stress that my content is 18+ due to strong language and themes that are not suitable to anyone under 18.
As well as a cute frog Hellzellz is also seen in a human form which is based very loosely on how I look in real life but is more commonly seen as a frog.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression after my parents divorce, then in 2022 I was diagnosed with PTSD by my therapist, currently I’m in the process of getting my ADHD diagnosed professionally with the hope that I can start looking for avenue to help with it. Mental health has always been a thing in my life that has held me back in different ways. I spent a lot of 2021 being sometimes physically unable to leave my house due to my anxiety or not being able to get out of bed because I was depressed after the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.
Even though its something I battle every day I have made an effort over the last year to try and get better. I started by trying therapy again in January , this time a more specialised therapy through the charity SERICC (Click here to learn more about SERICC). Therapy really helped me and after taking sessions for 6 months I was able to get signed off and was better for it.
The next step for me was to find something I was passionate about and that I could aske into a long term realistic career. I found that digital marketing was that for me, and so i signed up to Think employments free digital marketing course which I’m currently taking at the moment!